Sumerian Concepts

These are from a personal concept project i work on from time to time, inspired by characters and gods from ancient Mesopotamia. I try to make them a little bit more interesting by adding some "ancient aliens" flavor.

Defenders of Ardash. Mesopotamian mythology has lots of lion and snake creatures so i wanted to depict a fight scene seeing some characters in action and give a hint to the environment of this setting.

Defenders of Ardash. Mesopotamian mythology has lots of lion and snake creatures so i wanted to depict a fight scene seeing some characters in action and give a hint to the environment of this setting.

Sin, god of moon. In the sketch, i was exploring some kind of alien race for the setting, and i decided to carry the egg shaped heads to the next level. Maybe the reason we see all those tall headgear in Mesopotamian art was to hide the unusual heads.

Sin, god of moon. In the sketch, i was exploring some kind of alien race for the setting, and i decided to carry the egg shaped heads to the next level. Maybe the reason we see all those tall headgear in Mesopotamian art was to hide the unusual heads.

Some exploration sketches to settle the general ornaments and patterns in jewelry and outfits.

Some exploration sketches to settle the general ornaments and patterns in jewelry and outfits.

Enkidu concept. He was portrayed as a half bull, half man in Mesopotamian art. He was the oldest depiction of uncivilized man in the earliest texts of human civilization. 
Enkidu had unparalleled strength, but lacked wisdom.

Enkidu concept. He was portrayed as a half bull, half man in Mesopotamian art. He was the oldest depiction of uncivilized man in the earliest texts of human civilization.
Enkidu had unparalleled strength, but lacked wisdom.

Ereshkigal was the goddess of the underworld and land of the dead. I came up with ten ideas but having a throne carried by a dark mist of lost souls was the best option, so i continued with that one.

Ereshkigal was the goddess of the underworld and land of the dead. I came up with ten ideas but having a throne carried by a dark mist of lost souls was the best option, so i continued with that one.

Gibil, god of fire and forge in Sumerian mythology. I picked the strongest looking silhouette out of eight sketches.

Gibil, god of fire and forge in Sumerian mythology. I picked the strongest looking silhouette out of eight sketches.